More Participating Dentists!
Welcome to the SecureCare Dental online Dentist Directory. Our online directory
is the most current list of participating SecureCare Dental providers available.
This directory is updated weekly, while the paper directories are revised only once
a year.
Use this search engine to locate general and specialist dentists
near your home or office. You can use this page to search for dentists by last name,
city, specialty, or zip code.
Refer a Dentist
If you would like to refer a dentist to the SecureCare Dental participating dentist
please click here.
National Dentist Network
SecureCare Dental also includes a nationwide network of dentists so that insureds
may have in-network benefits across the United States. To search for participating
SecureCare Dental dentists in the national network, complete the relevant search
Mexico Dentist Network
Usted puede acceder al cuidado dental de alta calidad a través de México. Todos los miembros de SecureCare
tienen acceso a nuestra red dental en México. Para encontrar un proveedor dental en nuestra red dental en
México, dar click en la liga abajo para acceder al directorio completo de dentistas contratados en México.
You can access high-quality dental care across Mexico. All SecureCare members have access to our Mexico
dental network. To find a dental provider in our Mexico dental network click on the link below for our
complete directory of contracted dentists in Mexico.
Mexico Dentist Directory
To search for participating SecureCare Dental providers, complete the relevant search fie
Select a plan type and a specialty. Then, either search by zip code with radius or by selecting State,
County and City.